Book a taxi in under 10 seconds and experience exclusive priority service from the largest taxi firm in Bournemouth.
Exclusive to the booking app - FIXED FARES ON ALL JOURNEYS!
You can place the booking directly on our map, and see how many available cars there are.
No standing in the rain or waiting. Track your car as it arrives on a map, or call the driver when they are nearby. No more guessing where your cab might be.
Create bookings in advance. Whenever it's convenient for you.
If necessary, cancel your booking at any time. It takes seconds to place a new booking directly from the handy favourites list.
Every journey booked via our mobile apps is charged via our special App tariff.
This tariff is fixed and therefore cheaper than the standard taxi tariff.
* Discount is applied automatically via the tariff. Discount applies only to the distance travelled and does not apply to extra charges such as additional passengers or luggage. For United Taxis reserves the right to end this offer at any time.