Terms & Conditions

1. Definitions

I. “We”, “Our” and “Us” refers to United Taxis Ltd and its’ staff and the drivers and any approved sub-contractor.

II. “You”, “Your” and “Client” refers to the person, body or business, making a booking and implies the passengers making the journey.

III. “CAF” refers to a Credit Account Facility and “CAH” refers to a Credit Account Holder.

IV. “T&C’s” refers to the Terms and Conditions of applying for a CAF and/or making a booking herein set out.

V. “Service(s)” refers to the provision of any and all carriage, courier or delivery services.

VI. “Booking Confirmation” and “B/C” refers to the document confirming our acceptance of your booking.

VII. “Driver” refers to the driver and vehicle providing the Service(s) and “En-route” refers to the Driver being on way to pick up location.

VIII. “Transportation” refers to a cruise liner, ferry, plane, train and any other public mode of transport.

IX. “Metered Fares” generally refer to local taxi journeys where both the pickup and drop addresses are within the relevant Council’s area.

X. “Long Distance” jobs generally refers to journeys where the mileage is over 40 miles.

2. Contract

I. It is deemed that you have read and accepted these T&C’s before making a booking or applying for a CAF.

3. Credit Account Facility

I. A minimum deposit of £100 (which will be refunded when the Credit Account Factility (CAF) is closed, refer to clause 13) will be required to activate a CAF. We may request a larger deposit and/or apply a credit limit.

II. We will issue an account number which must be quoted on all bookings.

III. We do not accept any liability whatsoever when a CAF is used unlawfully by your personnel and we expect the Credit Account Holder (CAH) to make payment.

IV. A credit limit on the total amount which may be outstanding as unpaid at any one time will be set and given to the CAH.

V. We reserve the right to refuse to provide any Services in the event of this credit limit being exceeded.

VI. Invoice(s) will be issued at the end of each week or month depending on the specific account and must be paid within 30 days of date of invoice, refer to our payment terms in clause 7.

VII. Without prejudice we reserve the right to apply “The Late Payment of Commercial Debts 2013” regulations for any invoices not paid.

VIII. Without prejudice we reserve the right to suspend or close account facilities without notice.

4. Prices and Charges

I. Prices and Charges are reviewed on a regular basis.

II. Metered Fare journeys are covered by the relevant Council’s Fare Chart, which are displayed in the vehicle or on the relevant Council’s website. All fares are subject to an annual review increase in line with the local licensing authority

III. Prices are provided based upon information given by you at the time of booking. However, we reserve the right to amend the price should the journey differ from your original booking instructions.

IV. Prices are based upon our operational area. Therefore, location surcharges may apply if outside this operational area.

V. Fixed price journeys are for single one way trips, the price does not include deviations or stop offs, waiting, school pickups etc, This list is not exhaustive. Charges will be added for time and distance in the line with the standard BCP Tariff.

VI. Fixed prices are agreed prior to travel and will differ from the standard BCP tariff.

VII. Discounts cannot be applied to non-metered journeys.

VIII. Prices are not subject to VAT as we act as an agent for the member drivers/vehicle owners.

IX. Prices may be subject to a discretionary £5.50 moving/removals fee if this service is required.

5. Cancellation / Delay / Waiting Time Charges

I. Cancellation of pre-booked (same day) local journeys may incur a minimal charge.

II. If you cancel your booking the following charges may apply: -
•More than 24 hours – No charge
•Less than 24 hours - Up to £10
•If driver is en-route – Full price of journey
•Aborted, driver at pick up location – Full price of journey plus waiting time (Refer to most recent BCP tariff)

III. If due to actions or instructions from Government Agencies, Emergency Services, Statutory Bodies, any manmade or natural event beyond our control we will bear no liability for any losses or other costs incurred by you.

IV. If due to actions within our control you miss your onward travel, then our liability will be limited.

V. In the event of any delays the following waiting time charges will apply
• In the event of arriving at a travel terminus 24 hours early, but in accordance with the B/C, refer to clause 5.II.
• Waiting Time for “Fixed Fare” and “Metered Fare” journeys will commence once driver has been waiting for 4 minutes beyond the booked pickup time and will be charged in line with the BCP tariff.
• Waiting Time (whilst/if stationary) for “Long Distance” journeys will be subject to a charge of £25 per hour.

VI. Prices quoted do not include any external charges whilst the taxi is on hire e.g. Car parking, road tolls, congestion charges, ULEZ etc. unless stated at the point of booking. These costs will be added to the fare. This list is not exhaustive.

VII. In the event of the journey being halted or cancelled we will bear no liability for any losses or other costs incurred by you.

6. Bookings times

I. Booking times are not guaranteed. In the event of a journey being cancelled or delayed we will bear no liability for any losses or other costs incurred by you.

7. Payment Terms

I. Payment can be made by any of the following methods: -
• By Direct Debit (CAF Only).
• By BACS or bank transfer, bank details on invoice (CAF only).
• By Cash to the driver (generally not relevant to CAF).
• By Debit or Credit Card (all major cards are taken) to the driver for each individual trip
• By means of Credit Account Facility, refer to clause 3.

PRE-AUTHORISATION: A temporary hold is made on your card before a credit/debit card booking is paid on the app or web booker. This is used to verify that the funds are available to cover the fare. The pre-authorisation might be slightly higher than the fare estimation to account for situations where this changes. This hold is cancelled immediately after the booking ends or is cancelled and is returned to you within a period set by your credit card provider: in a range of a couple of minutes to up to 31 days. For any issues related to releasing a pre-authorisation, contact your credit card provider.

8. United Taxis Ltd App usage

I. The Services may be made available or accessed in connection with third party services and content (including advertising) that United Taxis Ltd does not control. You acknowledge that different terms of use and privacy policies may apply to your use of such third-party services and content. United Taxis Ltd does not endorse such third-party services and content and in no event shall United Taxis Ltd be responsible or liable for any products or services of such third-party providers. Additionally, Apple Inc., Google, Inc., Microsoft Corporation or BlackBerry Limited and/or their applicable international subsidiaries and affiliates will be third-party beneficiaries to this contract if you access the Services using Applications developed for Apple iOS, Android, Microsoft Windows, or Blackberry-powered mobile devices, respectively. These third-party beneficiaries are not parties to this contract and are not responsible for the provision or support of the Services in any manner. Your access to the Services using these devices is subject to terms set forth in the applicable third-party beneficiary’s terms of service.

II. You are responsible for obtaining the data network access necessary to use the Services. Your mobile network’s data and messaging rates and fees may apply if you access or use the Services from a wireless-enabled device and you shall be responsible for such rates and fees. You are responsible for acquiring and updating compatible hardware or devices necessary to access and use the Services and Applications and any updates thereto. United Taxis Ltd do not guarantee that the Services, or any portion thereof, will function on any particular hardware or devices. In addition, the Services may be subject to malfunctions and delays inherent in the use of the Internet and electronic communications.

III. Subject to your compliance with these Terms, United Taxis Ltd grants you a limited, nonexclusive, non-sub licensable, revocable, non-transferable license to
• Access and use the Applications on your personal device solely in connection with your use of the Services.
• Access and use any content, information and related materials that may be made available through the Services, in each case solely for your personal, non-commercial use. Any rights not expressly granted herein are reserved by United Taxis Ltd and United Taxis Ltd’s licensors.

IV. The Services and all rights therein are and shall remain United Taxis Ltd property or the property of United Taxis Ltd licensors. Neither these Terms nor your use of the Services convey or grant to you any rights
• In or related to the Services except for the limited license granted above
• To use or reference in any manner United Taxis Ltd company names, logos, product and service names, trademarks or services marks or those of United Taxis Ltd’s licensors.

9. Limitations and Exclusions

I. We shall not knowingly undertake, unaccompanied, the carriage or delivery of: -
• Money or securities (whether cash, cheques, bankers’ drafts, bonds, share certificates or in any other form), antiques, precious metals, furs, or jewellery (in any form) of any amount of value.
• Goods or property (of whatsoever nature) valued more than £200.
• Goods or property (of whatsoever nature) which may deteriorate in transit unless agreed in writing by a Company Director.

II. We shall not knowingly undertake, whatsoever, the carriage or delivery of: -
• Goods or property of a hazardous, dangerous, flammable, explosive, noxious nature or items illegal to possess by Law. Where we see fit, we will contact the necessary authorities and will not be liable for any losses or costs incurred.
• Goods or property considered oversized.

III. Without prejudice and with reference to clause 10.I any goods or property, whether accompanied or unaccompanied, should be suitably packaged as we do not accept any liability for any damage, losses or costs incurred.

10. Children and Vulnerable Person(s)

I. The behaviour of children whilst on board the taxi is the sole responsibility of the parent(s) / carer(s) / responsible other.

II. As a Taxi service we are exempt from the Seatbelt laws relating to child seats, however we recommend that on longer journeys you use Child Seats or Booster Cushions.

III. If you are using your Child Seats, please be aware you must be taking them away with you as we do not have storage facilities.

IV. It is your responsibility to ensure that your Child Seats or Booster Cushions are correctly fitted before use.

V. A vulnerable person(s) should always be accompanied by a responsible adult unless written instruction from you states otherwise.

11. Lost property

I. It is your responsibility to ensure that items of luggage have not been left behind. Otherwise, additional charges may apply to recover.

II. We are not liable for any damage to personal items contained within luggage or damaged during travel or left in a vehicle.

12. Food and Soil Charges

I. We have a NO FOOD policy in the vehicles. However, this is at the discretion of the driver, although this does not renege your responsibilities.

II. In the event of the vehicle being soiled or damaged by you then you are liable for reasonable costs for cleaning or repairing of the vehicle, this charge is in line with the BCP tariff.

13. Termination

I. On receipt of your termination notice the CAF will be suspended and will not be closed until all monies owed by you have been paid in full.

II. In the event of you being in breach of any of the clauses in these T&C’s the CAF will be suspended. We will endeavour to contact you to discuss further.

III. The deposit will be refunded if the CAF is not in arrears at termination.

14. Force Majeure

I. We will not be liable for any injury or death to you or any loss or damage to your goods or property caused by War (declared or not), civil riots, national emergency, labour strikes, adverse weather conditions, breakdowns or any other cause beyond our control.

15. Claims

I. Without prejudice we will not be liable for, including but not limited to, from the acts, omissions or negligence of us and/or our employees and/or agents unless you have notified us as to the nature and extent of such injury, loss, damage or grievance within 15 working days of the date upon which the incident occurred.

II. United Taxis Ltd shall not be liable for indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, punitive, or consequential damages, including lost profits, lost data, personal injury or property damage related to, in connection with, or otherwise resulting from any use of the services, even if United Taxis Ltd has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

III. United Taxis Ltd shall not be liable for any damages, liability or losses arising out of
• Your use of or reliance on the services
• Any transaction or relationship between you and any third-party provider, even if United Taxis Ltd has been advised of such damages.

IV. United Taxis Ltd shall not be liable for delay or failure in performance resulting from causes beyond United Taxis Ltd’s reasonable control.

V. In no event shall United Taxis Ltd’s total liability to you in connection with the services for all damages, losses and causes of action exceed two hundred pounds sterling.

VI. Please write to United Taxis Ltd, 164 Holdenhurst Road, Bournemouth, BH8 8AS and mark it CLAIMS.

VII. Our financial liability is limited to the value of the journey only.

VIII. Any dispute, claim or matter of difference arising out of or relating to the Booking Services or Booking Service Terms is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

16. General

I. These T&C’s supersede any previous agreements and issues.

II. We reserve the right to alter or vary these T&C’s at our discretion without notice to you.
• Changes to these T&C’s will be published on our website as soon as practicably possible.
• No representations made or variations in or additions to these T&C’s given by any person acting or purporting to act on our behalf shall have any force or effect unless confirmed in writing by a Company Director.
• Should we decide not to enforce or to exercise, at any time or for any period of time, any term of or any right arising from these T&C’s should not be construed as a waiver of such term or right and shall in no way affect our right later to enforce or exercise it at a later date.

III. The safety of our customers/passengers and drivers is of paramount importance. We expect you and our drivers to behave with dignity and respect to each other. If not, this could result in the journey being aborted or cancelled, refer to clauses 5.II and 15.

IV. All vehicles and drivers are expected to comply to current local and national legislation.

17. Resolution of Disputes and Governing Law

I. The parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

18. Privacy

I. United Taxis Ltd will only use your Personal Information, provided by you, to conduct appropriate financial checks using approved credit reference or fraud prevention agencies or for the purposes of completing the service provided, refer to clause 8 (United Taxis Ltd App usage) and 7, Pre-authorisation.

II. United Taxis Ltd, will store your personal information in line with GDPR. This information is only released to the Police or other legal authorities when a verified request is made through the official channels to aid in the process of an investigation.

19. Telephone call recording

I. For mutual protection and for training, compliance and security purposes all of our telephone calls may be recorded.

II. We reserve the right to store all information in line with 1976 Local Government Miscellaneous Provisions Act.

III. United Taxis Ltd reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to outsource calls to a third party contact centre during busy periods.

Customer Service Contact: Feedback and Complaints

Complaints will only be investigated if in writing and sent within 7 days of the journey.

Please email: customerservice@556677.com

DISCLAIMER: The services are provided “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE”. United Taxis Ltd disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied or statutory, not expressly set out in these terms, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In addition, United Taxis Ltd makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee regarding the reliability, timeliness, quality, suitability, or availability of the services, or that the services will be uninterrupted or error free. You agree that the entire risk arising out of your use of the services, and any service or goods requested in connection therewith, remains solely with you, to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law.

Copyright 2024 United Taxis Ltd